
Personnel Assessments

People Are The Key To Success

Experienced business managers know that they stand or fall depending on the quality of the personnel they employ, however, many are unsure how to resolve issues such as internal disputes or how to place employees in roles where they can give their best. As outsiders, the Druml Group is well placed to draw critical information from your employees to help you understand or uncover internal organizational problems. While employees aren’t always likely to discuss such issues with management, we, as an independent third party, can get to the root of any problems.

It’s hard to find an easy way to assess whether your employees have everything they need to succeed – this is where we come in. Whether it’s your systems, a lack of job descriptions, inadequate policies or procedures, disorganization or even your internal management that is causing problems – we can find them.

A Case in Point – Managerial Mayhem
In our most difficult assignment, we were called in to a highly successful construction company to find out why they were slipping. We discovered that while their employees were all highly skilled, the new President, an heir with a salesperson’s focus, lacked the expertise needed to manage the company from a financial perspective. Our report was difficult to make but helped him understand how the situation could be rectified, and provided a plan to get back on a solid financial footing.

Another Case in Point – Office Friction
On a different engagement we found that the management team had no idea what to expect from their employees. Their expectations were extremely unrealistic, which was causing quite a bit of tension and friction in the office. Our in-depth experience assessing construction industry personnel allowed us to measure staff capabilities and let management know what they could reasonably expect. Since the management team had no experience working in any other company they had no measuring stick to use as a comparison, so we provided one.

Are you ready to get the maximum output from your employees, assess your personnel, establish reasonable expectations and confront the problems? Call Druml Group today and we’ll provide the key that opens the door to earning more money.