In this post, we’ll give some background on the growth of Enterprise Risk Management and how it relates to the construction industry, and explain why adopting an Enterprise Risk Management philosophy for running your construction business is a wise decision. We say philosophy, because at its core, ERM is a shift in thinking, a shift in... Read More
A few days ago I met a fellow after doing laps in the pool, ala Michael Phelps! (I’d like to think we know as much about construction as Michael knows about swimming.) We began talking and sure enough he was the proud owner of a thriving construction company… but it wasn’t always that way. In... Read More
The construction industry is full of unending challenges, requiring high energy and constant problem solving. The company owner is like a juggler with 50 balls up in the air (potential problems); if any drop (actual problem) it could cause all the rest to drop as well (total problem i.e. business failure). The large amount of... Read More
Today I met an individual who asked what I did for a living. I was somewhat distracted and mumbled the word “risk management.” As I regained my focus this gentleman said “Oh, you’re a risk manager. I’ve had trouble with my Workers’ Compensation…” and he began to talk about insurance. This was a prime example... Read More