As an internationally recognized risk control expert, Mr. Druml works directly with contractors, accountants, banks, lawyers, and insurance companies to help institute systems, policies and procedures to assess, reduce and transfer risk.
He is a prominent leader in the area of construction enterprise risk analysis and developer of a consistent and reliable means for quantifying construction enterprise risk. He is publisher of numerous articles on Enterprise Risk Management, and has set the standard for certifying others to perform risk assessments with publication of the Statements on Standards for Risk Analysis Services.
Mr. Druml is a frequent speaker at the Construction Financial Management Association and the Surety Association of Northern California and lectures at University of California, Berkeley on how to deploy ERM in construction companies.
- Author of “Statements on Standards on Risk Analysis Services.”
- Developer of risk assessment and recommendation software.
- Performed risk-based analyses of private and public companies to identify areas of high risk and direct implementation of controls
- Has consulted to multi-billion dollar construction organizations on the topic of Enterprise Risk Management.
- Instructs at UC Berkeley on the subject of Enterprise Risk Management and its application within the construction industry.
- Expert in turnarounds and workouts of construction companies.
- Expert in analysis of complex construction situations, rectifying problem areas within projects or organizations, negotiating and resolving disputes, and promoting and growing businesses