We regularly witness contractors using agreements with their subcontractors that expose them to more risk than their subcontractors. Although it’s hard to believe, many contractors use agreements that have not been revised for years. Most don’t know if the contract is a standardized form, their own proprietary form, a copy of some other form, or a hodgepodge of clauses from several sources. This usually means there is a clear need for review and revision.
Laws and insurance coverage continually change and contracts need to be revised to reflect those changes. Indemnity clauses and insurance language are the first basic consideration. Beyond the type of indemnification clause and insurance requirements, however, language regarding defense, the obligation of primary liability, and what is covered within liability must be incorporated to assure that it is consistent with the intent of the indemnity provisions and with the requirements set forth in the insurance provisions.
In other words, there is a lot to consider in a contract and you can not let yours go stale. Rely on our expertise to make contract revisions that meet today’s laws and available insurance coverage. Of course, we always recommend that a legal representative perform a final review, but how can you argue with paying less for getting more. Call Druml Group today and you’ll experience a company truly dedicated to providing the security you deserve.